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Open Space Committee Minutes 09/12/2008
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Old Lyme Town Hall

Minutes: September 12, 2008

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:45 with OSC members Amanda Blair, Peter Cable, Christina Clayton, Judi Glover, Evan Griswold, George James, and Ted Kiritsis in attendance. Also in attendance was Old Lyme resident Jack Alexander.

Ted moved to accept the minutes of the July 11, 2008 minutes subject to the following correction: In the second paragraph under the discussion of Short Hills Properties LLC, the sentence “He suggested that OSC could take a firm position supporting public access to the planned development open space” be changed to “He would provide public access presuming OSC supported his proposal for open space”. The motion was seconded by Judi and the minutes, as corrected, approved unanimously.

Diana read a correspondence of September 8, 2008 from Anna Silberberg, OLCT, and her to Mary Frazier Rogoz indicating that a new trail to Champlain South had been constructed and signage installed. This new access to Champlain South should rectify a concern documented by Ms Rogoz in 2007 that a wood road on the Frazier property had mistakenly been identified as Jadon Trail and used as the entrance to Champlain South resulting in unacceptable littering and disruption of the Frazier property.

Property Updates
a) Ames property
At 09:00 on motion by Ted, second by Peter, the Committee went into executive session to discuss Steve Ames’ property and financial considerations related to it. Executive session was ended at 09:45.

b) Rebar property
Diana described the Rebar property for sale on Buttonball Road by the railroad tracks with frontage on Black Hall River. The property is 4.8 acres and the asking price is $125k. There is no public access and OLCT has indicated it is not interested in purchase of the property. Following discussion it was the consensus that OSC is not interested in purchasing the property.   

a) Four Ponds Meadows Subdivision.
Diana reported that the Four Ponds development application had expired.

b) Roger Tory Peterson property
There was discussion of issues concerning Peterson estate property not contained in the Peterson preserve but containing Peterson’s studio, where he did his artwork, and York House, a small guesthouse used as an office by Roger and Virginia Peterson. Evan noted that Mimi Westervelt has right of first refusal on the studio and York House and Diana indicated that U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has not informed the Town of its plans or intentions. It was agreed that Diana would coordinate a meeting involving U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Nature Conservancy (Steve Patton), CT Audobon Society, OLCT and OSC to discuss and consider plans for property containing the Peterson studio and York House.

c) Old Lyme Heights
Diana reported that there was no further official information on the Woods of Old Lyme LLC development.

d) Lord’s Woods
It was reported by Diana and Jack Alexander that the level spreader closest to the subdivision entrance had not worked during recent heavy rains. Diana indicated her intention of attending the Wetlands Commission meeting to urge that the Town fix the level spreader using the Lord’s Woods bond money, Amanda inquired whether the agreement written by Mark Block and signed by Town officials on payment of penalties by the Lord’s Woods developer had been recorded. Diana answered that Kathy Frank will be recording the agreement.

c) Cummings property
It was reported by Diana that the property was back on the market.

Old Business
a) trail book
Peter reported on the September 11 OLCT meeting attended by Judi and him for the purpose of proposing a joint project to produce a new trail book describing Old Lyme open space trails (similar to the 2006 trail book produced by the OL Conservation Commission). A key feature of the proposed effort is the intention to offset most of the production costs through solicitation of commercial and private support. Christina reported that OLCT, in discussion following the OSC presentation, had interest in joining with OSC on the project, but wanted to see plans for greatly improving the quality of trail maps contained in the 2006 Conservation Commission. The effort will proceed with further plans to be formulated by Peter, Judi and Christina.

b) I-95 expansion
Ted indicated there was nothing new to report.

There was no additional report by Christina from OLCT.

New Business
a) Open space promotion
George reported on thinking and plans to organize an open space walk followed by brunch for residents of Meetinghouse Lane, Johnny Cake Hill Road and Ben Franklin Road. The intent of the event will be to raise interest in gifts of open space and establishment of conservation easements on properties of significant open space interest.
b) PRCD workshop
Diana reminded the Committee of the open workshop on PRCD regulations hosted by the Zoning Commission at Town Hall on September 22.

c) King property
Ted noted that a land transaction had occurred for a 34-acre tract owned by George King on Flat Rock Hill Road. Ted questioned what the plans for the property were and whether OSC should investigate.

At 11:30 on a motion by Ted second by Christina, it was voted to adjourn the meeting. The planned walk of the Ames Preserve following the meeting was deferred.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable